Garcinia Cambogia Extract – An overview of side effects

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Written By DanielHaldeman

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Are you straddling the fence with several questions about Garcinia Cambojia? Many people, who consume Garcinia Cambogia suffer very mild side-effects. Some of the common side effects faced by people will include drowsiness, mild headaches and mild discomfort in their stomach, laxative effects and several other common types of reported symptoms. However, even many individuals have unveiled about disappearing of all such adverse effects after just few days of the starting of supplements. In fact, health experts associated with Garcinia cambogia extract side effects have further suggested about some other efficient ways, by following which people can avoid side effects of this weight loss supplement to a huge extent.

Weight loss will not work right away as there is no miracle formula available anywhere. But yes! With Garcinia Cambogia, you can experience quicker results. Since stored fats are the results of unused calories, a weight loss program should aim to burn off these by engaging in activities.

Garcinia Cambogia is a popular way of losing weight in today’s world. For many years, it was used for culinary needs in India, Africa, and South East Asia, which is a testimony to the fact that the medicine is absolutely safe for human consumption.

The extract is composed of hydrotoxic citric acid (HCA) natural chemical, which is taken out of the hind of the fruit. This chemical is responsible for fat burning in human body. If taken in right dosage, it can help you reduce weight by up to 3 times the normal rate.

HCA content Contributes to Mood Elevation

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The HCA content, when consumed in normal quantity, helps in mood elevation as it produces an increased amount of serotonin. Serotonin happens to be a neurotransmitter which exists in human brain. It is used on a wide scale as antidepressant medications. On consuming Garcinia Cambogia, it has been seen that apart from working as a superb fat buster, the medicine has enormously contributed to a better quality of life. You will enjoy a positive attitude towards life.

An individual with a low serotonin level is more likely to having feeling of anxiousness or depression. One can indulge oneself in over eating if he or she is into some depressing phase. Since Garcinia Cambogia helps in mood elevation, it is without any doubt absolutely safe for human consumption. However, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding your child, you should not take this medicine. Patients having diabetes should always consult a doctor before taking this medicine.

Till date no major side effects have been found except for some minor issues like headache, skin rash, gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, and common cold. It is not known whether these issues where the sole result of consuming Garcinia Cambogia. The major chemical which is present in Garcinia is HCA (hydrotoxic citric acid). It is this natural chemical that inhibits the enzymes from converting carbohydrate named Citrate lyase into fat. As it stops accumulation of fat, the body reduces the production of triglycerides and LDL, which is known as the bad cholesterol. This further restricts any calorie build up.

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